Thursday, November 6, 2008

Fork in the Road

So I find myself realizing that the next few decisions I make will impact my life and the lives of my children forever. I have a great life here in the islands and am amazingly blessed. I'm lucky enough to be able to work in my passion and dance in 3 different polynesian shows here in town. However, with the state of the economy as it is, it's certainly not ideal for getting ahead in life.

Opportunities have begun to present themselves in another state and I've progressed beyond simply flirting with the idea of relocating. In a few days I will be on a plane, heading to Salt Lake City. I am excited with the thought of what may lay ahead and yet saddened by what I have to leave behind. The purpose of my trip will be to "test the waters" and see if I can lay the foundation for a prosperous future.

As a single mom, the consequences of my choices will fall on the shoulders of my children as well. With that in mind, I am constantly vigilant of my choices and equally frightened at the same time. So here's hoping that a polynesian dancing, hard working single mom makes the right choice and walks down the path that leads to a blessed life for my children.

Stay tuned for my decision....

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